Quebec City
A unique city in North America
La Ville de QUEBEC
Quebec City is the most European of any city in North America, they speak French all the time. There is a part of town called Old Quebec which is really like being in France. The architecture is just gorgeous, food, shopping. I’d say Quebec city is the most beautiful city in North America I’ve seen.
Explore Our Tours
Québec City (the cradle of French civilization in North America), is characterized by narrow cobble-stoned streets and ancient greystone buildings, many of which date to the early 1600’s. The only walled city in North America, it is conspicuously European in its look and feel, and at the same time, uniquely Canadian

Why take a French trip to Québec?
The immersion experience accelerates learning.
Pedagogically speaking, unless students become interested in the people and culture of the French speaking world on some level, they will not stay interested in the language in the long run. Students on our trips quickly learn that they understand French spoken in the real world, and that the native francophone residents can understand them. They also realize that French is a useful a useful tool, even in North America, and not just an academic exercise.
We humbly assert that students learn more during a three or four or five day educational trip to Québec than in any other three to five days of the school year.
French trips boost enrollment in French programs.
As a practical matter, our clients, dozens and dozens of them, tell us that their French educational tours to Québec are a large part of why enrollments in their French classes are stable or expanding, notwithstanding trends in neighboring schools. Their students love these trips, return to their homes talking about them, their younger friends and siblings hear about them and enroll in French, among other reasons, because they want to go on them too.
We have been told over and over by adults, sometimes the parents of kids on our trips, that they still remember their own French student trips to Québec. And now, some of our clients are French teachers who learned about us as students on their trips to Québec in middle or high school (it always warms our hearts to hear this)!
Educational travel strengthens student-teacher bonds.
Finally, our educational tours to Québec are a wonderful opportunity for the teachers to bond with their students. Who doesn’t remember a favorite teacher or two, in high school or college, whom you always wanted to please and impress, and never wanted to disappoint? The teachers who lead are trips tend to be the most popular in their schools, they like kids, kids like them, and that’s a relationship that not only allows but encourages learning.